Perry Richardson3 days ago2 min readSURVIVING KIPPER SEASON: A London taxi driver's perspective on how cabbies negotiate the quiet times
Perry Richardson3 days ago2 min readWeRide expands fully driverless robotaxi operations in Beijing after Middle East Uber deal
Perry Richardson4 days ago1 min readTaxi checks lead to fines and warnings in North East Lincolnshire
Perry Richardson4 days ago2 min readCornwall taxi driver loses licence after abusive confrontation over parking ticket at school gates
Perry Richardson4 days ago2 min readUnlicensed taxi crackdown in Bristol leads to court case and ‘Taxi Cop’ pursuit
Perry Richardson4 days ago5 min readLAST CHANCE SALOON: Mayor of London now faces huge pressure to revive the capital’s taxi industry as EV support shrinks
Perry Richardson4 days ago2 min readLICENCE REVOKED: Terrified private hire vehicle passenger calls family to say they ‘love them’ during 100mph ride
Perry Richardson5 days ago2 min readUK’s Crackdown on Phone Theft: Could it unfairly target honest taxi drivers?
Perry Richardson5 days ago2 min readCAMERAS IN THE CAB: Why more UK taxi drivers are turning their journeys into video content
Perry Richardson5 days ago2 min read‘DISAPPOINTING REDUCTION’: LEVC reacts to Plug-in Taxi Grant cut as Government extends support for another year
Perry Richardson5 days ago2 min readTaxi drivers in Ireland could land grants worth over €35,000 when they shift to an electric cab
Perry Richardson5 days ago3 min readCrackdown on Electronic Car Theft Devices: New laws target criminals, but what could it mean for the taxi trade?
Perry Richardson5 days ago2 min readELIZABETH LINE STRIKES: When in March are the strikes, what London stations are affected and where will taxi demand spike?
Perry Richardson6 days ago2 min read‘MORE MUST BE DONE’: Taxi booking app FREENOW warns more government support is needed as black cab grant decreases
Perry Richardson6 days ago2 min readA CHANGING TAXI RENTAL MARKET: How black cab rental fleets have changed over time
Perry Richardson6 days ago3 min readUNLOCKING POTENTIAL: How full access could revitalise the taxi industry
Perry Richardson6 days ago1 min readLeicestershire Police release CCTV image after taxi driver assaulted and rear windscreen damaged
Perry Richardson7 days ago2 min readGovernment EXTENDS Plug-in Taxi Grant for another year but drops the value to £4,000
Perry RichardsonFeb 243 min readDEVOLUTION WHITE PAPER: Will it solve ‘cross-border’ working in the taxi industry?