Perry Richardson16 hours ago1 min readEssex Police appeals for footage after taxi collides with broken-down BMW injuring passenger
Perry Richardson21 hours ago2 min readREVEALED: How many miles on average do taxi drivers travel each year?
Perry Richardson21 hours ago1 min readUsed black cab market subdued but shifting as diesel taxi supply tightens
Perry Richardson21 hours ago2 min readCUMBERLAND TAXI ZONES: Consultation launched to merge three licensing areas into one
Perry Richardson2 days ago2 min readSwindon Council proposes changes to strengthen taxi and private hire licensing standards
Perry Richardson2 days ago1 min readMerseyside Police looking for man after taxi driver assaulted in Leasowe
Perry Richardson2 days ago1 min readPrivate hire vehicle driver caught plying-for-hire outside Arctic Monkeys gig fined for illegal £20 cash pick-up
Perry Richardson3 days ago2 min readDevon taxi driver JAILED for £100,000 covid Bounce Back Loan fraud
Perry Richardson3 days ago2 min readMP questions need for standardised private hire licensing as Government defends Local Authority control
Perry Richardson3 days ago2 min readMP warns 40% of taxis and private hire vehicles examined in London police operation had illegal ‘Ghost Plates’
Perry Richardson3 days ago1 min readMP question for autism awareness training in taxi sector gains government attention
Perry Richardson3 days ago2 min readSURVIVING KIPPER SEASON: A London taxi driver's perspective on how cabbies negotiate the quiet times
Perry Richardson4 days ago1 min readTaxi checks lead to fines and warnings in North East Lincolnshire
Perry Richardson4 days ago2 min readCornwall taxi driver loses licence after abusive confrontation over parking ticket at school gates
Perry Richardson4 days ago2 min readUnlicensed taxi crackdown in Bristol leads to court case and ‘Taxi Cop’ pursuit
Perry Richardson4 days ago5 min readLAST CHANCE SALOON: Mayor of London now faces huge pressure to revive the capital’s taxi industry as EV support shrinks
Perry Richardson4 days ago2 min readLICENCE REVOKED: Terrified private hire vehicle passenger calls family to say they ‘love them’ during 100mph ride
Perry Richardson5 days ago2 min readCAMERAS IN THE CAB: Why more UK taxi drivers are turning their journeys into video content